My Sliding Door Moment

Have you ever thought of a sliding door moment in your life? 

  • Perhaps one where you met someone who soon changed your life for the better?

  • How attending one event allowed you to connect deeply with other like minded and hearted humans?

  • One where you applied for a job and they decided to not hire you...only to have another opportunity show up that is even more aligned with who you are, and what you’re trying to achieve?

The last example happened this week to me. I was excited about an opportunity that I had recently applied for, and honestly, thought the answer would be a “yes, you’re hired!” Turns out I was mistaken, and it really messed with me for a few hours that day. 

My Gremlins/saboteurs were activated, big-time. Thoughts of “Wait a minute. Am I not good enough for this role? Do I not have the skill set needed that I’ve prided myself on for years? What does this say about me if I got this rejection? I thought I was aligned with this organization--am I not?”

Self-doubt. Second-guessing myself. Wondering if my intuition was off. Curious why this was happening, and what this was bringing up for me on a deeper level. 

Luckily, I reached out to some members of “my hype crew.” Those who know me best, folks who can hold a mirror up about what is truly here; what story I’m telling myself that is clearly not serving me well. 

And this is why I’m so thankful for my community of support (i.e., my hype crew).

I did a relatively quick deep dive reflection and recognized that this “rejection” (that can hold a negative connotation) was just another sliding door moment for me. Quick side note, Sliding Doors was a late 90s movie starring Gwyneth Paltrow that explored the concept of two different life paths taken, based on a moment in time (i.e., taking or missing a train) and the path forward based on that quick moment.

Okay, back to my story. I decided that this would be an opportunity for me to change my perspective; not getting this job would be a sliding door moment for me. And wouldn’t you know...literally, the next day, I ended up signing an IDEAL client for my coaching business. I had no idea that this person was searching for a coach, yet alone thinking of me to support them in their career journey. I also met another person within my business coaching group who I connected with on a deep level. She mentioned that perhaps she too, could be one of my future clients, and that she resonated with me on multiple levels. 

As I reflected last night about all of these circumstances, I was proud of how far I’ve come in my own development. The “old me” would have taken this “job rejection” as a sign of lack, questioned my self-worth, and stayed in the mindset of, “What’s wrong with me?” or “Am I not good enough?”  My old self would have stayed in a state of bitterness. It also reminded me of the parallels of dating, or even finding friends who are a good fit. Many of us are so conditioned to question ourselves, our self-worth, our mere existence, based on external validation and at times--one individual’s opinion or perception. 

Luckily, with the tools and community that I now have in my life, those feelings I had were fleeting. I recognized that the self-doubt and questioning of my abilities triggered some old wounds. While I have memories of my former, younger self who would have approached this in a very different way, I’m proud to say that I have let go of that type of energy. 

This experience was another reminder that this sliding door that closed has just made room for other adventures. I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. I believe that sliding doors are meant to close so another can open--one that is more aligned with who and where I am now, and those I am truly meant to serve. 

What sliding door in your life has closed, only to open you up to more alignment?


Letting Go of Perfection Through Presence


Acknowledge the Grief Within