Annalyn’s Musings (aka, “Coach Cruz”)

Reflect in Peace & Motivate with Action

Here are some learnings, reflections, and quick hacks to check out when you’re contemplating a career shift, doubting your leadership abilities, or enduring moments of transition and change. I’ve been there, too. Hope my words can resonate with what may be bubbling up for you.

I’ll end each post with “Coach Cruz’s Corner” where you can reflect further on that topic; I’ll ask you a question or two that you can reflect on and take action!

Fully Living
Annalyn Cruz Annalyn Cruz

Fully Living

I have found myself sitting with this deep question of “What is fully living?” I’ve pondered a lot recently about this existential question; I think it’s so present and palpable because of the recent passing of my dear friend, soul sister, and framily member (i.e., what she lovingly called “framily = friends who are chosen family”) Christina Paguyo.

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My Sliding Door Moment
Annalyn Cruz Annalyn Cruz

My Sliding Door Moment

What sliding door moment have you experienced? Perhaps you’ve had one that has closed, only to open you to new adventures of alignment?

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Celebrate Your Wins
Annalyn Cruz Annalyn Cruz

Celebrate Your Wins

Taking the time to slow down (even with a quick list!) to celebrate wins is so important to recognize and reward ourselves and not waiting for others to do so for us.

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Pack Your Bags to Find Peace
Annalyn Cruz Annalyn Cruz

Pack Your Bags to Find Peace

When do you know it’s time to pack your bags (literally or figuratively) so you can find peace again? How will you step away from the grind and just…be?

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