Pack Your Bags to Find Peace

I’ve been working really hard lately on my business…for anyone that has stepped into the world of entrepreneurship for the first time, there’s definitely a learning curve, and I continue to feel so grateful to all of my amazing community that has supported me through this journey. I keep reminding myself that a lot of what I’m going through is new—just like picking up a new sport or hobby. I recognized last week that my brain and body signaled to me that I needed to step away from what was soon becoming my “norm.” Learning a ton each and every day, stretching parts of my brain with knowledge and skills that haven’t fully formed, taking a deep dive into what it means to work for myself and create my career path forward. While it was invigorating and sparked new feelings of commitment to myself, I also recognized I needed a time-out. My intuition said I needed a time-out in nature and away from my normal daily routine.

So…I packed my bags to find some peace. I went into the redwood forests in Northern California and stayed at an amazing Airbnb. I sat in the gardens and stared up at the redwoods—some that were 1,200 years old! I watched baby quails. I saw a chipmunk for the first time! I played an actual record (yes, there was a legit record player in the cottage) and listened to jazz. All the while hoping I would “unplug” and not be connected to email, social media, or listen to podcasts.

I didn’t completely unplug but I did find those serene moments of doing “nothing.” It was tough, I’m not going to lie. But I did recognize how I hadn’t allowed myself the time to slow done and just be. It felt pretty amazing to eat breakfast in silence, amongst the trees; to take walks with my dog Cab on private roads with only the soft sound of the breeze or the occasional deer passing us by.

We all deserve to step away—regardless if you can travel, stay somewhere else overnight, or even take 5 minutes away from your day to day to get away from that feeling of the “endless grind” that many of us have grown accustomed to.

Coach Cruz’s Corner:

  • How are you going to pack your bags and finally find the peace you deserve?

  • What does this look and feel like as a daily practice?


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